Purpose: To work on promoting Wu Xia (martial art series) tv series to an English speaking audience. Here you will find episode synopsis as well as projects that we are currently working on.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Entertainment News

I found a blog that translates HK TVB entertainment news. It is called TVBSpace. Check it out.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Raws for Season 2 of Condor Hero Anime

If you have access to or know of where to get the raws for Season 2 of the Condor Hero Anime, please email Tofusensei@live-evil.org

Or use this thread for discussion.

Also email Tofu if you can help translate from Cantonese audio to English.

More info can be found on Live-evil.org website.


Saturday, December 11, 2004

Legend of the Condor Heroes 2003 Pictures

Click here to see a website full of The Legend of the Condor Heroes 2003 pictures.

Warning!!! The pictures are pretty big. Desktop sizes.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Demi Gods Semi Devils

I will be releasing episode 3-5 of Demi Gods Semi Devils 2004 sometime during the Christmas holiday. I apologized for the long wait. Episode 2 is up in the air at the moment. If I am able to get a hold of the translation for episode 2 then I will get it out; if not, it will come out after the release date of episode 3-5. Sorry about this.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Shaw Brother's Brave Archer DVDs

The Shaw Brothers's version of The Legend of the Condor Heroes have been released on dvd.
It is known as Brave Archer. From what I have read, there are a total of 4 dvds. 3 of them have been released so far. These are region 3 dvds and you must have a region 3 dvd player or an all region dvd player to watch it.

This was the first version of The Legend of the Condor Heroes I saw.

Brave Archer 1

Brave Archer 2

Brave Archer 3

Brave Archer 4 have not been released.

Currently, all 3 of the released dvds are available for $14.99 at yesasia.com.